What tigers think about so deeply



I often wonder what the tigers think about.
I have seen many a times tigers in deep thought like this one here. You could also possibly feel the contemplative stare and body posture.
We found him sitting in deep thought on a misty February morning. Even though our car was stationed very near to him, he did not look up at us for a long time.
What I do know that this was a sub-adult – almost adult male tiger. They generally stay with their mom for about 2 – 2.5 years sharing a deep bond and love. And then one day they realize that the time is approaching for their separation. This is probably more painful for the male cubs than the female ones. The female cubs tend to settle nearby and most cases steal / occupy an area from her mother, so there will be some element of rivalry once they grow.
The male cubs on the other hand have to move far off from their mother, lest they encounter other larger males and get killed.
Was this cub thinking about his impending separation and the inevitable struggle to stay alive?


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